The Book & Game are currently in the predevelopment phase. (This will be updated when the development start)

Games Portal

There are currently no game being worked on right now due to the lack of funding.


There are currently no game being worked on right now due to the lack of funding. 〰️

Official Games

We need money to build
a development team!

Before the production begins on any of our Official Games we need enough money to support the salary of 10-15 employees for at least the first two years of the development phase until we can start showing gameplay or cinematic to help out the sales of the game and support our Devs team throughout the entirety of the project, and lunch our other possible title afterward.

Remember all this will only become reality if the community wants it!

Community Games

We encourage you or a company to make their
own video games set in the universe of Planet Warz!

Why would we want you to make your own game?
Well, first off you have to understand that my main goal with Planet Warz is to build a universe full of stories and give a large variety of content so everyone can create their own monetize stories, community videos, and games, I want to let the community help create and shape this beautiful new sci-fi universe.

In short, my goal is NOT to make money from the people of the community but rather to give them ways to make an income while doing something they love, this is why I can assure you none of our official games will be "PAY 2 WIN", we strongly recommend doing the same.

(How to make PW5K content?)

Why so many Games?

We think there is no such thing as having too many plans or ideas!

It feels great for me to finally be able to talk about all my dream games and I don’t think I should as a secrete that I wanna write and work on a lot of different titles all set in the universe of Planet Warz.

The way official games are going to be released is, we will first release book series of our possible future games and see how the community reacts and if they would like a video game set in this event of Planet Warz, if the community seems to like it then I can hire a development team to start the creation of the video game.

(If we have the funding)