Community Portal

Our DISCORD and REDDIT is the main place to upload your community content.

How to make Community Content

The best way to be found as a content creator or find a content creator from the community to help you work on your project in the meantime is to manually create your "Des'Net Profile" and go to our discord and talk with the community inside the "content creator section" to find someone who does the type of content you are looking for and contact him via discord or his social network links, I'm sure he will be more than happy and he will tell you a price, and Done! If you have accepted, you now have content like a soundtrack, concept art, or unique transmog for your Des'Net profile or for your own monetized or free project in the universe of Planet Warz!
If you have any suggestions or something to say feel free to talk to us on Discord.

The content inside all the links below was created by the community and you could make yours right now!

Community Content