Official events happened on
the planet Lightda:

Official Events

Year Unknown: This planet was found by the Gods of light during the Age of Unknown.

1202: After the void of light was conquered by the God of corruption and his army, multiple clans leader of the Elish race were sent to the milky way galaxy with the goal of finding every Prossawin and exterminating them, the first planet they took was Lightda, after finding and killing multiple groups of refugees that were hiding on the planet, the Elish race knew the Prossawin race went deeper in this galaxy to populate multiple systems and so they went at their pursuit.

1225: Secretly building an army on multiple systems, the Prossawin race came back to Lightda and fought for 50 years to take back all their lost territories from the Elish forces, after regaining control they decided to establish their home base on Lightda.

1300: The Horde of Corruption sent armies of Des’Orc and Elish to attack the planet Lightda and fought in a long war of 100 years but was pushed back by the Prossawin clans and guilds that were defending the planet.

1530: The second time the Horde came to attack the planet Lightda, they were prepared and knew what was the major town to destroy first, it took 20 years for the Elish and the Des’Orc to successfully took control of all territories and killed all leaders of the Prossawin armies that were on the planet including the king of the Prossawin.

1552: Many of the great Prossawin guilds and clans including queen Alaniz and her guild was on their way back to Lightda after a long conquest of many solar systems, while she was fighting in her conquest she have hear on the planetary defence chat that her mother base was getting invaded, but she never taught that they would have actually made it.
Queen Alaniz and more than 500 guilds and clans arrived on Lightda and took back their home from the Horde forces in a matter of 15 years, fighting through territories and regions and reviving as many fallen souls as they can queen Alaniz did not find back the soul of her precious king.

5000: It has since been recaptured by the alliance and serves as the main defence planet of the system CO-75.