Monetize Events

You will be able to host your own monetize Planet Warz tournament or casual games events of our possible future tabletop wargame, or of our possible future videogame and we won’t demand anything in return and won’t shut down or stop the ongoing event. - Brazz

(Use your judgement and never go to an event that seems to charge too much for the cover at the door (the money you need to pay to get in the event.)

For a small event you should, if possible not charge anything at the door and have a donation option that the community can contribute via the internet before the day of the event or a donation option inside
the event area to support via money.

(The owner of the event can still make money by selling merch at the event and taking a VERY SMALL percentage of the total prize pool for himself if he did EVERYTHING BY HIMSELF, or arranged an agreement between everyone involved in making the event happen, to give money to the right persons.)

The person in charge of distributing the money to the winner and anyone involved should always be the “Event Hoster” whether it is a Small Shop or just someone from the community with a place to host the event.

Note that, the person in charge of the event has summited an ID verification and signed a contract to host the event and could potentially be punished by the “Intergalactic Police” if any of the rules from the contract are broken.

Non-Monetized Events

You will be able to host your own non-monetized event of Planet Warz whether for a tournament or casual games of our possible future tabletop wargame or our possible future videogame and we won’t demand anything in return and won’t shut down or stop the ongoing event. - Brazz

You CAN NOT charge money to come to a non-monetized event, spectating in real life and from the internet should be free.
(spectating in real-life conditions may be different depending on if the place where the event is taking place has the room for spectators.)

Participating in the event should be free if the event hoster is looking for an extra player for the ongoing event.

The best way to make money in those events is to sell Cookies ;)
You should have a donations link for you the “Event Hoster” and you should have a separate donation link for the prize pool of the ongoing event.

You can make a private event if you hosting at a place where people cannot go, we suggest you, to live stream the event so you can build and connect with the community from the universe of PW5K.

How to create a Planet Warz Event